View Full Version : Help Me!!! pic16f628 to 16f630

tohu thomson
- 12th August 2007, 02:14

I convert my code from 16f628 to 16f630 .
I used clock=4 Mhz
The circuit worked very well whith pic16f628 and clock=4 Mhz and XT_
In 16f630 The circuit didn't work when I used XT oscillator , but worked when I used intOSC CLKOUT. Why ???

Thank You.

- 20th August 2007, 14:16
The PBP default config settings for this device in 16F630.INC select the internal oscillator.

Either change this to XT_OSC in the include file, with your device programmer before burning
the part, or insert this in the top section of your code;

@ device pic16F630, xt_osc, wdt_on, mclr_off, protect_off