View Full Version : bisiklet hız ölçer (bicycle speedmetre )

- 21st June 2007, 15:55
arkadaşlar merhaba
yaptığım bisiklet hız ölçer şemasını sizinle paylaşmak istedim

ekte (attachments)
proteus and hex file

'************************************************* ***************
'* Author : [Elektronik Teknisyeni Zafer AKBAY] *
'* Notice : Copyright (c) 2007 [set under view...options] *
'* : All Rights Reserved *
'* Date : 02.06.2007 *
'* Version : 1.0 *
'* Notes : pic 16f628 include osc. *
'* : *
'************************************************* ***************
;mclr pini giriş olarak kullanılacak

DEFINE LCD_DREG PORTB 'LCD data bacakları PortB de bağlı
DEFINE LCD_DBIT 4 'LCD data bacakları 4. bitten başlıyor
DEFINE LCD_EREG PORTB 'LCD Enable Bacağı PortB de bağlı
DEFINE LCD_EBIT 3 'LCD Enable Bacağı 3. bite bağlı
DEFINE LCD_RSBIT 1 'LCD RS bacağı 1. Bite bağlı

DEFINE LCD_BITS 4 'LCD 4 bit olarak bağlı
DEFINE LCD_LINES 2 ;LCD 2 sıra olarak çalışıyor.

DEFINE LCD_COMMANDUS 2000 'Command delay time in us
DEFINE LCD_DATAUS 50 'Data delay time in us

trisa=255 'porta giriş
trisb=0 'portb çıkış

BIRTUR VAR BYTE ;tekerlek çapına göre çevre=pi * R den bulacaksın
GIRIS VAR BYTE ;ham sayıcı girişi
GIDILEN VAR word ;gidilen cm
HIZ VAR WORD ;Gidilen hız formüllenecek olan

SIFIRLA var PORTB.2 ;sayıcı reset ucu

;-----değişkenleri sıfırla-----
birtur=220 ;cm

SIFIRLA=1 ;sayım yapmasın

LCDOUT $FE,1 ;Önce Ekranı siliyoruz.

lcdout $FE, 2, "Zafer AKBAY"
lcdout $FE, $C0 ,"HIZ:" , DEC hiz dig 4 ,DEC hiz dig 3,".",DEC hiz dig 2," km"
sifirla=0 ;sayıma başla
pause 2000
goto basla

sifirla=1 ;sayımı durdur
gidilen=giris * birtur ;burası 2 saniyede kaç cm gittiğini buldu
hiz=(gidilen*36)/2 ;al sana km hesabı

- 22nd June 2007, 13:10
I think it's a bit rude coming to a multicultural, English speaking forum, posting stuff in your own native language only. Probably better to either post two versions, one in English and the other in your own language, or alternatively, just make use of the forums primary fundamental language. English.

- 22nd June 2007, 13:27
Hi, Zaferakbay

What's the problem ???

a flat tire ??? a bent handlebar ???



- 22nd June 2007, 14:38
This is not the first time people are posting in their own language.

But, since I am Turkish, let me translate what is written above (for free).

Our friend says that he made a device that measures the speed of his bicycle.

He says he wanted to share it here.



I think it's a bit rude coming to a multicultural, English speaking forum, posting stuff in your own native language only. Probably better to either post two versions, one in English and the other in your own language, or alternatively, just make use of the forums primary fundamental language. English.

A multicultural forum is not entitled to one language (in this case to English).

Speaking about "multicultural" requires us to think about the meaning of "multi".

Since we know very well about what "multi" means, then we can not say "English speaking multicultural forum".

Yes, English is one language widely spoken. But, why should someone supposed to speak English to post on a multicultural forum?


- 22nd June 2007, 14:42
Bonjour Jules,

c'est vraiment très gentil à lui.

N'oublies pas de le remercier pour moi, dans sa langue maternelle, bien entendu.

Amitiés et à bientôt


- 22nd June 2007, 15:14
But, since I am Turkish, let me translate what is written above (for free).
Our friend says that he made a device that measures the speed of his bicycle.
He says he wanted to share it here.

And here I was...spending the last couple of days using Babelfish (and other translation type sites) to try to translate the Turkish (is that correct?), thinking that there might've been a code problem the guy was trying to figure out...

- 22nd June 2007, 15:55
Hi Zaferakbay,
gerçekten güzel uygulama teşekkür ediyorum.:)
Nice work,

- 23rd June 2007, 09:06
Arkadaşlar siz onların dediğine aldırmayın Türkçe yazabilirsiniz.Bunlar Dünyanın sadece kendilerine ait olduğunu sanıyorlar. Burada bizlerde varız .

Hi Everyone.
The man who post his message in his own language maybe has alittle bit english word that enought to use pic.(as me) But he want to sahare his paroject or want help from others.This is free forum area and he can send his message .If you do not know his language and want to read his message you want help who know his language to translate in english.
English is not only language speeking allover the World.We learn english why you do not learn other language_?......

- 23rd June 2007, 11:34
English is not only language speeking allover the World.We learn english why you do not learn other language_?......

That is very true and a good question.

Speaking ONLY for myself, I am ashamed to say that english is my only language. I can recognise a few bits of other languages but couldnt respond to people in their native tongue.

The difficulty with learing a second language is which one do you chose ?

For a non english speaker the choice is obvious, you chose English because that tends to be the "international" language.

At school over 30 years ago, the only language available to learn was French and that was taught by someone who didnt sound particularly convincing.

I'm not convinced that learning French would have helped me much either becasue despite France being the closest country to the UK my time spent in other countries is as follows

France - 4 days - Eurodisney
Cyprus - 2 weeks
Spain - 8 weeks - Benidorm
USA - 5 Weeks - California, Arizona, Nevda, Florida
Malta - 2 Weeks

The town where I live has for a long time had quite a large Greek Cypriot community (about 3000) but over the last 2 or 3 years there has been an influx of migrant workers from other EU countries notably Portugal, Poland and Latvia. Again I dont think that being able to speak French would have been of much benefit.

When I first got a Satellite TV system I could pick up loads of German TV stations for free so enrolled on a German Language course at the local college but a week before it was due to start they phoned me to say it was canceled and did I want to learn Dutch instead. I declined because all the Dutch channels were in English with Dutch subtitles so I could understand the programs anyway !!!

I really would like to be able to speak another language but as explained above it is so hard to decide which one. I suppose the way to decide is to look at what languages are the most spoken or where you are going to communicate with people.

Pos Language Speakers (Millions) Where Spoken (Major)

1 Mandarin 1051 China, Malaysia, Taiwan
2 English 510 USA, UK, Australia, Canada, New Zealand
3 Hindi 490 North and Central India
4 Spanish 425 The Americas, Spain
5 Arabic 255 Middle East, Arabia, North Africa
6 Russian 254 Russia, Central Asia
7 Portuguese 218 Brazil, Portugal, Southern Africa
8 Bengali 215 Bangladesh, Eastern India
9 Malay, 175 Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore
10 French 130 France, Canada, West Africa, Central Africa
11 Japanese 127 Japan
12 German 123 Germany, Austria, Central Europe
13 Farsi (Persian) 110 Iran, Afghanistan, Central Asia
14 Urdu 104 Pakistan, India
15 Punjabi 103 Pakistan, India
16 Vietnamese 86 Vietnam, China
17 Tamil 78 Southern India, Sri Lanka, Malyasia
18 Wu 77 China
19 Javanese 76 Indonesia
20 Turkish 75 Turkey, Central Asia
21 Telugu 74 Southern India
22 Korean 72 Korean Peninsula
23 Marathi 71 Western India
24 Italian 61 Italy, Central Europe
25 Thai 60 Thailand, Laos
26 Cantonese 55 Southern China
27 Gujarati 47 Western India, Kenya
28 Polish 46 Poland, Central Europe
29 Kannada 44 Southern India
30 Burmese 42 Myanmar

As you can see from that list, for most people the obvious choise as a second language is English (Mandarin is only higher in the list due to the vast number of people in China) but for an English speaker I suppose we should learn Mandarin, Hindi, Spanish and Arabic as a second language.

English speakers also have less incentive to learn a second language due to the fact that whoever we communicate with tends to have learnt English as their second language :( :(

- 23rd June 2007, 12:06
Whilst there is no objection posting in any language, after Chinese Mandarin (which is a little difficult replicating in ASCII), English is probably the most commonly spoken language on the planet. So much so, that in many avenues, English is mandatory (eg International Air Traffic Control). Want to be a pilot? Then speak English, otherwise you're limited to domestic-only flights. Even French pilots begrudgingly speak English!

Now for the forum. MeLabs PICBasic on whose products this forum is based, is produced by English speaking people from an English speaking country. The forum is run and owned by English speaking people in a different English speaking country. The Administrators of this forum are English speaking. The majority of members have English as a language, perhaps not their primary language, but at least it is one of them. If this was a Turkish owned or operated forum you could have an argument for allowing totally native language postings.

As Administrators of this forum we have a dilema, do we allow a foreign language posting in the knowledge it could contain offensive or illegal material which could bring the forum generally into disrepute or indeed have it closed-down, or do we allow it?

You will argue that there are a few Turkish speaking members. But if it did contain offensive language, how many of you would immediately have reported it for removal? What if the offensive message was posted in native Nepalese, Swahili or even Navajo? How many members do we have that speak those languages? To err on the side of caution, the tendancy is to DELETE postings that cannot be positively identified as safe.

On the other hand if somebody asked for help in Melanesian or Dinka could you help them? Could anybody? If they were offensive postings, who would know?

A lot of English speaking people on this forum DO already speak another language (not nescessarilly Turkish). But there is one common international language for communication - and this is an international forum. Unfortunately, like it or not, that commonality is the English language - after all, even computer BASIC is a sub-dialect of ENGLISH.

- 23rd June 2007, 15:22
Yes Melanie you are right...
This forum is yours. we know and you want to help others and we want to help others ...so.. everybody want to help others and want to help when need .Thanks for your forum area.

- 23rd June 2007, 15:45
No it's NOT my forum. It belongs to Crownhill.

The point I'm trying to make is that whilst posting in whatever language is NOT objectionable, the owners of the forum must be assured that whatever is posted does not break any applicable Laws or otherwise offend those who use it. To verify that any particular posting is valid is very difficult if the language that it is posted in is not understood. Whilst on the membership side, by not posting in the majority language you potentially either (a) exclude yourself from valuable assistance when needed, or (b) as has just happened, a valuable posting is not understood or is misunderstood by a large proportion of the membership.

- 23rd June 2007, 18:54
Tough call, and in this politically correct world difficult to comment on without offending anyone, especially the originator of the post.

I can see the administrators problem, and think that Mels post handeled it very well. I live in the UK and I feel honoured that the rest of the world has chosen English as the "international language" and thus I'm able to communicate with most of the people I've visited throughout the world. Having said that I do enjoy sittind down round a tabel having a drink with the locals in what ever country I'm visiting and trying to learn their local language. It often turns to laughter as I struggle with the words and I end up paying for the round !

To the originator of the thread, thanks for sharing your work... I'm lazy and unfit as I don't have a bicycle, but I'm sure that the code will be the basis of a fantastic project

- 25th June 2007, 12:10
Check this out..

Not stupid, just difficult to comprehend what you are asking. It hasn't translated into English very well. Can you reword your question another way? Alternatively post it in your native language as I'm sure people from all over the world read this list and somebody will undoubtedly help.


So I say nothing to Melanine.

Also, since we talked about English being a widely spoken language, here is the common problem with native English speakers.

My office is in a historical place and everyday I get questions from foreigners.

They all ask the same stupid question while I am walking to my office:
"Do you speak English?"

and I always answer the same:
"How am I supposed to answer that question if I don't?"


- 25th June 2007, 12:51
Hi, Sayzer


And how did you find this Forum, if not speaking English ... ???



For the "small history" ... I just understood the word "bisiklet" ... cause it sounds quite like in French !!!
Just understood the rest while reading the program commands ... which are written in ... ENGLISH !!!

By the way ... How could I know it was Turkish language ??? for me : were just unknown letters ...


PS: " and with a little help from my friends ..." ... everything runs better !!!

- 25th June 2007, 13:32
By the way ... How could I know it was Turkish language ???

Hi Alain,

The avatar is the Turkish Flag.

* * *

Do you speak English?

Best regards,


- 25th June 2007, 13:47
Check this out..


So I say nothing to Melanine.

In the above example, the person was INVITED to post their problem in their native language after there was some confusion with their English posting. This differs when a message appears out of the blue from someone who hasn't posted before in a completely alien language.

Perhaps a market for tourists for you Sayzer... you can sell them "I don't speak Turkish" (written in Turkish of course) T-shirts... (PS remember me when you make a million out of this idea)! Available at every airport, port of entry, customs post...

- 25th June 2007, 13:48
[QUOTE=Luciano;40514]Hi Alain,

The avatar is the Turkish Flag.

* * *

Hi, Luciano ...

Congratulations for the Debug performance ... we saw here the projects " backfire " : some Wiring ( let's say realization ...) problems added !!!

<< The avatar is the Turkish Flag. >>

... Mine is an English Plane ... Sayzer's , how to say ? ...And Trent's an Alien ...

I'm not English ...
Sayzer is not an Idiot ...



- 25th June 2007, 14:01
>> ... Mine is an English Plane

Ah, at last... I was wondering what that fuzzy blob was... *smiles*

Trent's... am I the only one that thinks it's some kind of flying bug with a pair of eyes in it's rear-end?

Too much lunchtime vino I think...

- 25th June 2007, 14:09
Hi there. It seems you are arguing about languages.
I just wanna say that the guy who posted his code wanted to share
his work. I do not see any problem posting in native language.

There are few options here:

1. Either he did not know that this forum is carried out in English
2. Or he doesn't know English enough, so wrote in Turkish

As far as one of the languages I speak is Turkish, I do not think that
someone should blame that guy for writing in Turkish. But if a certain
user doesn't know English and want to post a thread, I would be glad to
help him translate, so do others I hope.

BTW, not all the posts in the forum were in English.

- 25th June 2007, 14:41
Trent's... am I the only one that thinks it's some kind of flying bug with a pair of eyes in it's rear-end?

My avatar was taken from a video game - Galaga 88 by Namco, which is a space invaders style shoot'em up. It's actually one of the aliens that appears at the start of the game. I confess, I'm a bit of an 80's game buff, I'm currently in the process of cloning Donkey Kong by Nintendo 1981 (not an emulator) ground up build in Visual Basic using mostly win 32 API's. It'll probably be finished sometime late this year, plan on winning the December coding contest (again) on PSC with it.

- 25th June 2007, 15:39
... in a completely alien language.

Ahaa, here it is again.
Who says that my language (or his / her /their) language is alien language? Whose language makes another language an alien language? I think it is something with the feeling of "dominant power".

This is the same as looking at foreigners as aliens in the U.S.
In the forms,documents etc., U.S. government used to state "aliens" for foreigners but in 2003, I guess, they finally realized that the people whom they called as foreigners are also from the same world they live in. So they decided to call them (or name them) as foreigners. Political correction they say.

If they find new creatures on Mars, then they will name them as aliens.

Thus, no one is alien and no one's language is alien language; So what is "completely alien" then? Who is "the" basis, or native, or local?

As long as one language is considered to be alien to another, then the opposite is true also. This makes them equal, does not it?

...Perhaps a market for tourists for you Sayzer...

Good idea but they might be offended.

My avatar was taken from a video game - ....

I thought that it was some kind of Pokemon character with Code Writing Ability Power = 100 (out of 100).


- 25th June 2007, 16:10
I think at the end of the day it all comes down to what the owners of the forum want. You just simply can't argue with that. The owners are English speaking only people who reserve the right to enforce whatever restrictions on the site that they feel. If the site was run & owned by some Japanese then it probably wouldn't surprise you in hearing them insist upon the posts being in Japanese. You have to be very "Diligent" with this sort of thing, I tried to be in my first post, obviously not hard enough.

- 25th June 2007, 16:36
Your definition of the world alien is very narrow... too much StarTrek...


You could just as easily apply the definition that English is an alien language if you are native Turkish. Alien is a matter of perspective from the originators point of view.

- 25th June 2007, 17:04
Hi, Sayzer

I understand everything you explain here ... The goal here is not to make politics, or re-invent the world ...
For that I've proposed to create the "Midnight Bar" ...

but, this forum has its own rules, - that you've implicitely accepted ... when registered.
I know nobody reads the law, but "nobody is supposed to ignore the law" ...

one of those,here, is english "speaking" ... that's it. ( you are at " CrownHill's home" ... so, being polite demands English speaking !!! )

in one of my first posts, I answered Mr.E in French ( his everyday language ...) . I learnt that from travelling : answer other people in their own language ... simply to be polite.

But he asked me to "speak" English ... he was not the only one reading my post ... that's all !!!

Do not feel disappointed ... the goal just is that most people can understand most.
It's not my mother language nor ...


- 26th June 2007, 12:53
Hi zaferakbay,

Welcome to the forum, and thank you ( Teşekkürler ) for sharing your code.

I hope the language discussion does not turn you off of this forum, the folks around here really do want to help as you know from reading past post. Some times though we all have bad days.

It is funny that in your first two post saying thank you to Darrel and Trent for the code they posted no one made a big deal about your language.

About your project.. What are you using for the speed sensor?

- 26th June 2007, 13:52
Hi zaferakbay,

Welcome to the forum, and thank you ( Teşekkürler ) for sharing your code.

I hope the language discussion does not turn you off of this forum, the folks around here really do want to help as you know from reading past post. Some times though we all have bad days.

It is funny that in your first two post saying thank you to Darrel and Trent for the code they posted no one made a big deal about your language.

About your project.. What are you using for the speed sensor?

Let me jump in and do some translation here!

Hey Zafer kardeşim,
Okadar tartışmadan sonra bak zafer bizim oldu.
Nası ama?

Sen yolla kardeşim sorularını yada ne istersen Türkçe.

Şimdi bu vatandaş, sensör olarak ne kullandığını soruyor. Hani sana yağcılık olsun diye. Yoksa onun için çok önemli değil ama yinede sıcak bir yaklaşım. Aferim ona.


Edit: That is an affirmative and proactive approach Dave !


- 27th June 2007, 08:03
biri yazmışsa başka biride tercüme eder okadar!.....

- 27th June 2007, 12:57
biri yazmışsa başka biride tercüme eder okadar!.....

Could someone translate?

- 27th June 2007, 13:07
Could someone translate?


turkuaz says that "if someone wrote in one language then some other will translate". AND he says "that's it".

- 27th June 2007, 13:27

turkuaz says that "if someone wrote in one language then some other will translate". AND he says "that's it".

Easy as that. And if someone were to say something that they should not as Melanie was concerned about, the translator could then let a moderator know.

No problems if you do not get tired of translating:)

- 27th June 2007, 13:30

for the answer ... how many languages officially to translate into ???

try being serious ... for once !!!


- 27th June 2007, 14:36
try being serious ... for once !!!


You take all of the fun out of it. :)

But I do not see a problem if someone is having problems with English. Just do not think that should be a reason not to help them learn. If there is someone that will translate "OK". They will get it sooner or later.

Maybe that comes from living on the border.

- 27th June 2007, 15:18
Hi, Dave

And then ... he had no unsolvable problems to register ... ???

Hard to believe ...


- 27th June 2007, 16:07
I see your point.

But I work with many people that can read english well enough to get an idea, but when it comes to writing or talking they have a hard time getting their idea across. Trying to give the benefit of doubt.

I do agree that "when in Rome do as the Romans do".

Just hope I do not get kicked out for not speaking Roman:) if I ever get a chance to visit.

I have a hard enough time with engleesh, and that is the only language I speak.:D

- 27th June 2007, 17:01
I see your point.

Just hope I do not get kicked out for not speaking Roman:

Everywhere it's the same " vae victis " ... LOL.


- 17th August 2007, 23:18
size katiliyorum ben Turk degilim ve Turkiyede yasamiyorum Turkceyide anliyorum
Kardes istedigin lisanda yaz bosver bizim lisan latin harfleri olmadigi icin mecbur
Ingilizce yaziyoruz

Aldirma gonul aldirma
Kursun ata ata biter
yollar gide gide biter
mahpus yata yata biter

[email protected]