View Full Version : EasyHID max usb buffer size

- 13th April 2007, 17:13
Hey, I've got everything working with the pic 18f2550 to be recognized as a usb hid device. I'm sending accelerometer data and push button data to the pc using polling.

I just wanted to know how to increase the data buffer. Easyhid configures the default buffer size to be an array of size 8 "USBBufferOut Var Byte[8]". Is there a way to change the buffer size to 11, or does this exceedthe max buffer size for HID devices?


- 13th April 2007, 18:02
Hey, I've got everything working with the pic 18f2550 to be recognized as a usb hid device. I'm sending accelerometer data and push button data to the pc using polling.

I just wanted to know how to increase the data buffer. Easyhid configures the default buffer size to be an array of size 8 "USBBufferOut Var Byte[8]". Is there a way to change the buffer size to 11, or does this exceedthe max buffer size for HID devices?


Have you tried: USBBufferOut Var Byte[11]? Or search on something like 'usb buffer size'.
I came up with:

USBBufferSizeMax con 8 ' maximum buffer size
USBBufferSizeTX con 8 ' input
USBBufferSizeRX con 8 ' output
USBBuffer Var Byte[USBBufferSizeMax]
USBBufferCount Var Byte

Looks to me like you change the 8 to an 11 and you're done.
The search tool works great. But it's only great if you use it.

Darrel Taylor
- 13th April 2007, 18:39
The Input and Output report (buffer) sizes are set on the 3rd screen (Configuration Details) of EasyHID.

You can have a max of 64 bytes.

- 14th April 2007, 02:12
Oh cool, thanks. Yeah I tried to set the usbbuffer var byte 11, but that didnt work and would just never send any data to the pc.


- 29th November 2007, 05:12
why don't just set buffer to 64 (max)? is there a drawback?