View Full Version : Some HID devcie on one computer

- 8th February 2007, 16:47
Hi all

I have a HID device that I built, and I want to connect some units to a single computer,

How can I access them?
I want them all with the same PID & VID; by different PID is not the answer,
If I give them all the same PID & VID, I can use them all until I reset one of them, then when I try to find him, I poll the other and the system cruse.

Do you have any idea?

Thanks a lot

- 9th February 2007, 00:46
so currently the computer crashes if you try to access the devices with more than one attached at the same time?

are you using easyHID?

while i can only wish i could help you, this is interesting to me. please report back with your findings!


- 18th February 2007, 17:00
The solution is to use the serial number string in the usb descriptor.


I want to update my serial number, PID , VID from the data stored in the EEPROM , is it possible ?
I tried to do that with out success; If I change the RETLW (XX) command in the descriptor to JMP / goto ... the program does RETLW with the value of the right command,

I mean:
I write MOVLW $55 ==> 0000 1110 0101 0101
(the 8 high bits are the command and the the low are the number 55)

And when I read the serial number I get $55 like the PIC ignore the command and use the RETLW command with the value 55

Dose anyone tryed it ?

- 18th February 2007, 22:40

thak you for coming back and posting the solution you found! that makes perfect sense.. that serial number all the literature is optional.. perhaps it should have said it is optional unless you want multiple devices to use the same drivers!

have you cleared your old HID drivers out of your registry on the PC? i recall that this can make changes in firmware not appear, because the computer docent bother to ask if anything changed when it sees a vendor and product ID it knows.


- 19th February 2007, 06:52
No, I just add the serial number, load the program to the pic and use
HidD_GetSerialNumberString(DeviceProperties.HIDhan dle, SerNum(0), 128) function to get the serian string