View Full Version : DCF77 and PICBasic

- 8th July 2004, 10:59
I'm trying to build a DCF77 decoder with picbasic but i'm having trouble witgh it.
Has anybody an idea or an code example for a decoder??

Thank you

- 14th August 2004, 21:20

I just wrote some well-documented code, which simply
decodes DCF77 data and displays it on a standard
alphanumeric LCD (4-bit mode).
Every minute, it updates the display, and even the seconds
are updating every second (based on the start of a new pulse, every second)

It's been running since 4 pm, and it's now passed 10 pm, without any error seen on my screen ;-)

The code is about 270 lines, but I did left a lot of white lines
in between different procedures etc ...
I also did add a lot of comment ...
(Everything does fit in less then 1K of memory)

Please note that this is my first code I ever did write in PBP.

Best regards,