View Full Version : Experimenting with the PicBasic Pro Compiler by Les Johnson

- 10th November 2006, 08:29
I have got an old copy of the very excellent book
Experimenting with the PicBasic Pro Compiler by Les Johnson
but it never came with the CD, is there anywhere i could download the source for the examples?

- 27th November 2006, 09:38
I have got an old copy of the very excellent book
Experimenting with the PicBasic Pro Compiler by Les Johnson
but it never came with the CD, is there anywhere i could download the source for the examples?

Hi see this URL

-- Removed --
<!--http://ee.sharif.edu/~sakhtar3/books/Experimenting%20with%20picbasic%20pro%20compiler.p df -->

you may select the text and paste it in a seperate file for souce code extraction , i believe.

- 29th November 2006, 16:41
But that does not give the complete file !
Doesn't any one have the source files for this???
(The complete files)

- 1st December 2006, 14:19
I got the source files ! ! !
Send me a private msg to get them . . .

- 1st December 2006, 21:09
You can contact Crownhill and buy the original CDROM, legally!

- 5th December 2006, 16:59
Ya i think thats the best idea.
Now i realised that the codes i had were nothing but the samples from the book, and not the real complete source codes

- 2nd January 2007, 09:32
Hi, All

Just have a look here :


Nice guy ... indeed


- 17th May 2016, 19:03
I got the source files ! ! !
Send me a private msg to get them . . .

I just purchased a used copy of Experimenting with PicBasic Pro Compiler, but there was no cd.
Can I get the cd files from you?
Many thanks,