View Full Version : write_program_eeprom 18f2420

- 11th October 2006, 15:27

Since 18f242 is getting more and more expensive we are changing to the 2420...

I just copied my code but it seems that the 2420 uses the eeprom functions in a different way.

if it gets a write command, normally the data that was written on that adress should be deleted automatically and the new data should be written on that adress.

in the 242 i first had to delete the data before writing.

But helas,

the function read_program_eeprom(adress) works fine
but when i try write_program_eeprom(adress, data); nothing is written to the adress...

is there some one out here who knows about this problem?

Thanks in advance

- 11th October 2006, 15:41
Are you sure you're using Melabs PICBASIC compiler?

- 11th October 2006, 15:44
No i use MPLAB IDE v7.10

best regards