View Full Version : ISD4004-16mp

- 4th June 2004, 09:36
Hi Forum,
Does anyone have some BASIC code to get me started
communicating with ISD4004?

Thank You

- 4th June 2004, 19:48
' ************************************************** ***********
' Demonstration of the ISD1416 chipcorder device
' Speak any number from 0 to 65535
' Does not speak the leading zeroes and is capable of speaking the words
' 'POINT' and 'DEGREES' by using the 12 previously recorded messages
' The messages are also displayed on a serial LCD
' ************************************************** *********************

Include "Modedefs.Bas"

' ** Setup the Crystal Frequency, in mHz **

Define OSC 4 ' Set Xtal Frequency

' ** Setup the Debug Defines **

Define DEBUG_REG PortA ' Debug PortA
Define DEBUG_BIT 0 ' *** Debug pin Bit-0 ***
Define DEBUG_BAUD 9600 ' *** Debug Baud Rate ***
Define DEBUG_MODE 1 ' Set Serial Mode 0=True, 1=Inverted
Define DEBUG_PACING 300 ' Delay 'in Us' between characters sent

' ** Define LCD Constants **

I Con 254 ' Control Byte
Clr Con 1 ' Clear the display
Line1 Con 128 ' Point to beginning of line 1
Line2 Con 192 ' Point to beginning of line 2
Line3 Con 148 ' Point to beginning of line 3
Line4 Con 212 ' Point to beginning of line 4
Cgram Con 64 ' Point to Cgram within LCD

' ** Assign the ISD1416 pins **
STROBE Var PortA.1 ' End of message pulse
PLAYE Var PortA.2 ' Pull low to play message, bring high to end
PLAYL Var PortA.3 ' Pulse to play complete message

' ** Declare the Variables **
Counter Var Word ' General purpose counter
S_Digit Var Byte ' Build up the seperate digits, loop
S_Num Var Word ' The number to say is loaded into here
SN Var Word ' Used in the sayit subroutine

' ** Declare Constants **
S_Point Con 131
S_Degrees Con 144

Debug I,Clr:Pause 30 ' Clear the LCD

TrisB=0 ' Make PortB an output
TrisA.3=1 ' Disconnect the PLAYE line

Again: For Counter=0 to 99 ' Count up to 100
S_Num=Counter ' Place the counter into S_NUM
Debug I,Line1,dec2 S_Num,"."
Gosub Sayit ' Say the number held in S_NUM
Gosub Say_Point ' Say the word 'POINT'
Random S_Num
If S_Num> 99 then Another
Debug I,Line1+3,#S_Num," Degrees "
Gosub Sayit
Gosub Say_Degrees
Pause 300 ' Pause after the number is spoken
Goto Again

Sayit: For S_Digit=4 to 0 step-1 ' Loop for 5 digits (0-65535)
SN=S_Num dig S_Digit ' Extract the seperate digits
If S_Num<10 and S_Digit>0 then Over ' Zero supression for 0-10
If S_Num<100 and S_Digit>1 then Over ' Zero supression for 10-100
If S_Num<1000 and S_Digit>2 then Over ' Zero supression for 100-1000
If S_Num<10000 and S_Digit>3 then Over ' Zero supression for 1000-10000
Lookup SN,[0,14,27,40,53,66,79,92,105,118],SN ' Find the address of the message
PortB=SN ' Place it on the ISD's address line
Gosub Play ' Say the number
Over: Next ' Close the loop

' ** Say the word 'POINT' **
Gosub Play

' ** Say the word 'DEGREES' **
Gosub Play

Pause 50 ' Give the ISD time to process its address lines
High PLAYL ' Bring the PLAYL line high initially
@ Nop ' Wait 1us at 4mHz
Low PLAYL ' Bring the PLAYL line low to trigger the ISD chip
While STROBE=1:Wend ' Wait for the message to finish
' By polling for the low pulse from the REC_LED
' pin of the ISD1416