View Full Version : EasyHID and Endpoints

- 19th August 2006, 05:32
Can we use the endpoints as we wish, or are we limitted to using the default generated endpoint? I have more than 64 bytes to transfer so I'd like to use endpoints as record types.

For example:

Endpoint #0, miscellaneous concatenated variables (30 bytes).
Endpoint #1, LCD line 1 (30 bytes).
Endpoint #2, LCD line 2 (30 bytes).

Can I just change the endpoint on the PIC and PC side as I please?


- 19th August 2006, 19:08
I found my own answer; no.

I'm using AnyHID, a nifty tool that came with HIDMaker. I can intercept all USB communnication and display the data, really nice.

First of all, they are reports, not endpoints. I can select in AnyHID whatever report is defined for the device, and there is only one report for both IN and OUT; report 0.

So no, you can't mess with the report unless you modify the generated files by EasyHID and add reports.
