View Full Version : Ability to export meLabs Programmer Configuration settings

- 12th July 2006, 15:59
How 'bout a little export button on the configuration screen of the meLabs Programmer that will export all the configuration settings you've just selected on the screen into the corresponding and proper CONFIG statements.

Maybe export it to the clipboard, so you can paste it into your include file; or, better yet, offer to update the associated config file with those settings???

- 12th July 2006, 16:16
i would prefer the following scheme... In MicroCode studio, once you select a device, having the ability to pick the config you want, once done, it automatically drop those in your code. For the 18Fs, as now, it should drop the config's in the .INC of the selected PIC BUT also copy them in your code in comments.

That would be really great!

If it could exist a plug-in ability in Microcode studio API or else, i would pay for ! But as now and as far as i am aware of, this handy feature(talking about the plug-in ability) is reserved to another Mecanique IDE and compiler... too bad :(

Darrel Taylor
- 13th July 2006, 04:37
Here Here!

There are so many things that could be done if the Plug-Ins were available.

It was when I was also looking for a way to add some type of configuration utility, that I found out that we've been cheated.

While we have to pay full price for the IDE, Proton users get it for free. And, all the added functionality is only in the Proton version. No Plug-ins for us.

It seems that we are subsidizing their IDE. Oh sure, we can get it for free too. As long as we can live with even fewer features.

Come on Mecanique,
Plug it in, Plug it in.
No, not the air freshener.

David Barker
- 13th July 2006, 08:33
...that I found out that we've been cheated....full price for the IDE, Proton users get it for free...It seems that we are subsidizing their IDE.

That's not quite correct. Crownhill had a specification for their IDE prior to it being written. Each copy used in PDS is licensed, so there is no subsidies involved at all.

Darrel Taylor
- 13th July 2006, 09:06
Hi David,

Well, maybe it was worded a bit wrong. Accounting for corporate agreements.

I guess I'm just jealous, because they get the features I want in an IDE.

Frankly, I don't even know if I would be able to use the API or not, but the thought of integrating additional features in the same manner as EasyHID, just seems like the perfect answer for someone like me that can't stop thinking about new ways to use PBP.

The programs seem similar enough, perhaps the same feature can be migrated.

- 13th July 2006, 13:47
Any API are not so hard to implement in a program depending how great they are documented, in the case of Mecanique, it's always great documented. So for most of people here who already program in VB, VC++, Delphi or else, it shouldn't be a problem. Do a ggogle search and you'll find tons of example on 'how to use/implement API'

But there's probably some deal between Crownhill and Mecanique about that... or probably not. Since it's probably the first time we talk of that on-line, there's probably some evaluation time prior to add this feature.

Darrel, as you said, both IDE seems to be quite similar, so it shouldn't be too much of a problem.

Finger crossed!

In meantime, we have the Mecanique ICD for free.. wich it's not the case in PROTON. Their ICD is made by a third party and you should pay for.

Many person here think that the ICD and IDE is made by Melabs... NO, No, NO, from Mr David Barker.

David, please think about it. Need testers? drop me off list.

Darrel Taylor
- 13th July 2006, 23:32
After a quick look at this thread and .zip
Plugin Development Api

I see that it does work with Delphi, so I would definately be able to use it. So would a lot of others, with just about any other language.

And looking at the Interface Reference, it has everything needed to do some really cool stuff.

If there aren't any exclusivity clauses involved, I'd Love to see it in MCSP.

- 14th July 2006, 03:21
an API is roughly an INCLUDE file so you'll be in a known environement ;)

I'm with you!

Anybody else?