View Full Version : A programmable Ethernet-to-serial module

- 10th June 2006, 13:05
The Tibbo EM202 is programmable in a proprietary (but free) Basic dialect. See...http://www.tibbo.com/em202.phpDocumentation is at...http://www.tibbo.com/downloads.phpSample Basic applications are at...http://www.tibbo.com/taiko_res.php

- 10th June 2006, 17:39
I didn't see any cost on it. What does a module cost?

- 10th June 2006, 17:39
I didn't see any cost on it. What does a module cost?

- 10th June 2006, 17:39
I didn't see any cost on it. What does a module cost?

- 10th June 2006, 18:45
Sounds great to me after a fast overview. About the pricing.. if i refer to the canadian supplier, the TT-EM202 price is 63 USD$

Not too bad if it's really simple. Yet a new toy to play with :D

- 26th June 2006, 10:02
Hi there,

This weekend I received my EM202. It's a nice gadget :-)
Easy to set up, 5V, ethernet and serial connection... off you go.
I have to say it uses quite some power and this might be a drawback 250mA!

Now it is supplied with a manager that runs on your pc where you can easily configure the device. You can set 'all' parameters as you like serial baudrate, TCP/UDP,...

I haven't tested it indepth but that is something for the coming days...weeks :-)
My intention is to hook it up to a pic and allowing me to control my home automation system via wireless lan and even through the net... but we're not there... yet