View Full Version : read signal from computer

- 18th February 2006, 03:54
i'm a beginner for using PBP, so i face some technical problem.

as i wanna to receive data from computer, is it i just need to use the command of "serin"? then do the PIC will keep detecting the data into the PIC from computer? since i cannot found the function of timer in PBP.

hope that someone can help me...

- 18th February 2006, 04:28

If you do not elaborate your question it is very difficult to answer. The Serin command is a software driver serial TX/RX routine. So until and unless you are doing it often you may miss some data. A faster approach is to use to CTS, RTS lines on your ports by which you can control the handshaking by the PIC itself. Some PICs feature a hardware UART, which makes your life a little easier. So we need the PIC you are using and the intention of your program.

