View Full Version : Project with PIC16F818 & LM34

- 18th November 2005, 04:59
I came across the sample code from Rentron. I am brand new to PICBasic. What does the 10 & 13 mean in the following:

DEBUG "Temperature is: ",DEC temp," Deg F",10,13

Also, I want to store the temp in a register so that I can then write some kind of If-else code to compare it to certain ranges, and output it to a respective LED.

Thanks for the help.


- 18th November 2005, 09:02
What does the 10 & 13 mean in the following:

DEBUG "Temperature is: ",DEC temp," Deg F",10,13

ASCII 10 = <LF> Line Feed
ASCII 13 = <CR> Carriage Return

Appendix D of the PBP manual "ASCII Table"

Hope that helps

- 18th November 2005, 20:05
This (Rentron) code is almost exactly what we need for our project. Except that we want the temperature reading to be stored in a register so that we can compare it to some values using IF-Then statements, and light up a certain LED. Is this code saving this value in the "temp" location that was defined earlier? If so, where is the 'temp' locations and what lines of code could I delete since I have no need for the serial communication to the PC?
