View Full Version : Trying to learn the tricks of the trade

- 16th October 2005, 00:31
I am trying to manipulate ASCII values so that I stay within a certain limit. I would like to stay within 15 to 25 with what I am trying to display.
I have tried many thing leading to nothing and it is frustrating. I would like for CHNL to be the ASCII value of 15 and to stay withing my limits. How could I make that my commands in the program.

program is attached

- 16th October 2005, 19:41
Looking within the help in MicroCode Studio how can you differentiate the differences with PBC (basic) and PBP (Pro). The reason that I ask is that it is getting to me that I am very limited in comparison to what they are saying. Like using variables. Aren't I able to set variables in basic. If that is so then why do I get expected and illegal characters.

how would you translate:

Val var word

for PICBasic and to use 2 spaces of word to strore my value 31 35 (hex values)