View Full Version : "Bookmark" tool for next version of MicroCode Studio editor

- 15th September 2005, 15:12

Would we have "bookmark" tool for next version of MicroCode Studio editor? Its an useful tool for programming. This is a little wish for our precious designers.

- 15th September 2005, 16:10
It have a kind BookMark. It's called Code explorer. View>>Code Explorer

An interesting add-on to it would be to add Labels, Variable,Alias when you INCLUDE a files. Let's say with INCLUDE "modedefs.bas", all variables defined in the INCLUDE, will be add in the code explorer. A hot key for the Code Explorer should be usefull too.

Another wish from me, add Macro labels and once you type a macro, it show the macro syntax as when you type a PBP statement. BUT as it's not a coomon use hee, i can understand it's not in the to-do list.

Last wish, once a processor is choose in the list, have access to all register name and related bit name... few here know what i mean ;)

- 16th September 2005, 00:20
Hi Steve,

I know what you mean, and you know what David has on his ToDo list.

I guess The Features we are waiting for will not be implemented before Version a.b.c.d

with a being a two digit number ;-)

- 16th September 2005, 07:40
Thank you so much "mister_e" and all. I know the code explorer and I am using it too. But as you know a hot key more useful then mouse cliking and more faster. Sometimes following the code explorer is too hard. If there are too much sublabes, consts or variables in your source code; the controling is too difficult. I will wait for the next version :) We will see what will the new features be