View Full Version : Victron , VE.Direct

- 11th February 2020, 07:22
i have a pic based C code i/f up and running and a wemos d1 /nodemcu/esp8266 udp interface too
anybody interested ?

- 11th February 2020, 15:19
I remember my high school science teacher would ask, "Any questions?" After close to a minute of silence he would add, "Do you understand enough to have any questions??" Not sure what you're even offering.

- 11th February 2020, 23:02
"Do you understand enough to have any questions??" Not sure what you're even offering.

if you don't understand then you are unlikely to need to


- 26th December 2022, 10:41
Although its been a couple of years I would be interested to have a crash on the wemos things...

Thank you,

- 27th December 2022, 06:15
turned out UDP was a poor choice, there is no guarantee UDP packets will be delivered at all or even arrive in order sent.
i changed over to an espwebserver model and used http GET/POST requests which worked ok but on a busy network or with poor wifi reception and having multiple clients made synchronizing victron device responses with the web requests very clumsy. ESPAsyncWebServer allows for a better solution has worked nicely, so far.
a WebSocket Server will probably be the ultimate solution when i find time to learn another trick.

best place to start is the arduino ESPAsyncWebServer demo

i took some ideas from this, but used littlefs rather than the deprecated spiffs

to really get anywhere you want an understanding of c++ , html and one of the browser scripting languages like js or php
this can answer most questions

my current educational project is a weather station webserver;
pic16f18326 - 32k fram - bme280 - esp02s

would love to find a socket to fit TYWE2S ESP8285 Module
i was using the m3 but the price/availability ratio has soured


- 27th December 2022, 08:56
Thanks Richard.

Amazing things, too much knowledge...
