View Full Version : KS0108 glcd another look

- 2nd September 2016, 11:30
ks0108 glcd type displays are now so cheap [low as 2 for $5au] these days i thought they might be worth another look.
previously i have ignored them because the 20pin i/f and the code overhead in having to make your own font made it unappealing.
but since they can now be cheaper than a 1602_lcd why not have another go?
i have created an i/f board using two pcf8574a's and now have a 3 wire i2c i/f ,still has a bit of code overhead but it's managable.
this is the pic16 version it will work with any pic16 that has 2k or more code space and 256 sram , has been tested on pic16f690
and 16f1825. also can work using the full 20 pin connection if required

- 2nd September 2016, 11:50
pic18 version and fonts