View Full Version : How to generated Sinusoidal PWM by PIC 16f87xA

- 29th June 2005, 13:21
I am doing a project about control a motor whose power supplied by a inverter.

The inverter is drived by Sinusoidal PWM waveform generated by PIC.

I try to use look-up table to generate but difficult to control the frequency and firing angle.

Thanks for your answers.

- 29th June 2005, 13:59
See Here ...



- 9th October 2005, 05:47
I am doing a project about controlling a motor whose power supplied by a inverter.

The inverter is drived by Sinusoidal PWM waveform generated by PIC16F877.
I don't know how to connect the pins for PWM output. It's a 2 phase inverter with 4 mosfets.

I try to use look-up table to generate but difficult to control the frequency.
Could you provide me with the answers?

Thanks a lot