View Full Version : WIFI Direct Module Recommendation

- 24th October 2013, 04:37
I m new to this forum, i have used Microchip during my Collage days for my programming. I know basic of Microchip Assembly Language programming. Currently i m developing a application where i need to have Receiving Device which will act as owner for multiple device. There will are few client device in the group. When the client device is activated by button i need to receive indication on Owner device to display. I need this to be happen wireless. I need your advice on appropriate Module to achieve this requirement (RN-171 or mrf24wb0mb) ? .

- 24th October 2013, 13:50

Probably not the simplest but to me the most interesting is the TI CC3000. (https://estore.ti.com/CC3000BOOST-CC3000-BoosterPack-P4258.aspx)
It includes use of a cell phone via bluetooth to configure.
I have purchased one but not yet tried it.
