View Full Version : Max31855 Thermocouple Temperature Reading

- 18th September 2012, 10:08
I was looking hard to find a picbasic code for the new MAX31855 from Maxim but I could't find anywhere.
This is a nice chip to read temperature from -210 up to 1300 C for many types of thermocouples with internal ColdJuction and faults report!!.
Here is datasheet for details : http://datasheets.maximintegrated.com/en/ds/MAX31855.pdf

Thermocouples are using for high temperatures, so I am not interesting for negative sign !!!
I send data to PC using Hyperterminal at 9600 bauds.
Brown out detect is disable So I can use 3.3 Volts supply on my pic16f877A
I hope this code is usefull for you as is for me!

define OSC 20
include "modedefs.bas"

'----- Data Output To Pc Without MAX232 at 9600bauds reverse ----

DataTx var portc.6 'TX serial data to PC
BaudTx con 16468 '9600 bauds reverse

'Alias pins - MAX31855 temp sensor
MXSCLK var PORTD.0 'MAX31855 Clock
MXCS var PORTD.1 'MAX31855 Chip Select
MXSO Var PORTD.3 'MAX31855 Serial Data
TCtemp var word 'raw data from MAX31855
tempC var word 'temperature in degrees C
tempF var word 'temp C converted to degrees F
CJtemp var word 'raw data from MAX31855
tempcjC var word 'temperature ColdJuction in degrees C
tempcjF var word 'ColdJuction C converted to degrees F

'-----------Read and display temperature from MAX31855-----------


'Read Temp of Thermocouple

LOW MXCS 'chip select low
shiftin MXSO, MXSCLK, 0, [TCtemp\16] 'shift in the data
HIGH MXCS 'chip select high
tempC = TCtemp >> 4 'side shift to ditch the stuff to the right of the decimal point and just show whole degrees)
tempF = ((tempC * 18)/10) + 32 'convert C to F

'--------- Send Temp To PC ------------------
if TempC.bit11 = 0 then 'Positive Sign of Temperature
SEROUT2 DataTx,BaudTx, ["Theromocouple ",dec tempc ," degrees C ",dec tempF," degrees F " ,10,13 ] 'display the data on PC
PAUSE 1000
SEROUT2 DataTx,BaudTx, ["OUT of Range ",10,13 ]
pause 1000

'Read Temp of ColdJuction
LOW MXCS 'chip select low
shiftin MXSO, MXSCLK, 0, [CJtemp\32] 'shift in the data
HIGH MXCS 'chip select high
tempcjC = CJtemp>> 8 'side shift to ditch the stuff to the right of the decimal point and just show whole degrees)
tempcjF = ((tempcjC * 18)/10) + 32 'convert C to F

'--------- Send Cj Temp To PC ------------------
SEROUT2 DataTx,BaudTx, ["ColdJuction ",dec tempcjc ," degrees C ",dec tempcjF," degrees F " ,10,13 ] 'display the data on PC
pause 1000

'Check Thermocouple Status
IF CJtemp.bit0=1 THEN
SEROUT2 DataTx,BaudTx, [" NO CONNECTION " ,10,13 ] 'display the data on PC
pause 1000

IF CJtemp.bit1=1 THEN
SEROUT2 DataTx,BaudTx, [" SHORT to GND " ,10,13 ] 'display the data on PC
pause 1000

IF CJtemp.bit2=1 THEN
SEROUT2 DataTx,BaudTx, [" SHORT to VCC " ,10,13 ] 'display the data on PC
PAUSE 1000

goto main

- 18th September 2012, 12:44
Thank you! :)

- 30th January 2013, 01:35
Thank you, I modify your code to work with PIC16F690 and to display temperature on serial 20x4 LCD and it works great.

- 10th July 2013, 13:32
I have also tried to modify this code for LCD, but I'm getting very low readings in C. and also, they change strangely - when I heat thermocouple, they start to increase, than at some point (always different), will decrease by 5-10C and then again increase.

- 21st January 2015, 01:39
Thanks Lefteris - this was very helpful. Not clear why you shift the data right by 4 bits, but it works great. Thanks for posting this! :)

- 21st January 2015, 03:20
@ __config _HS_OSC & _WDT_ON & _PWRTE_ON &_BODEN_OFF & _LVP_OFF & _CPD_OFF
Appears orig. config was for PB compiler AND NOT for 16F877a as stated as there is NO MCLR or PROTECT