View Full Version : code assembler

- 29th April 2005, 11:52
hi i'm gimmy, there are someone that can help me? i don't know what i can do more.
i need to send data through bluetooth connecting a pic16f73 with eb500 parallax.
i don't how i can set the address to initialize the communication.
i need to know the code in assembler and exactly the conversion of the code:
serout 1,84, ["con 00:00:00:00:....",cr]
serin 0,84, [ wait ("ack",cr)]

if in5=0 then waitforconnection
high 6
pause 300

thanks your help will be appreciate.
i needs the help as soon as possible is very important for me

- 30th April 2005, 12:21

I saw your posts on the forum of A7 Engineering, Inc.
(User Gimmy8688).


If you can write a program in assembly, all what you need
is in the user manual of the eb500 module. All the samples
in the manual are written in basic for Basic Stamp.
If you can write assembly code then you can also understand
the Basic Stamp code and translate that in assembly.

If you cannot write a program in assembly, then my advice
is to buy a Parallax Basic Stamp 2 module and try the code
samples provided in the eb500 manual. All the software and
Basic Stamp samples are on the CD.

You can download the manual and the CD from:

Best regards,


- 1st May 2005, 22:42
how can i connect pic 16f88 and lcd, i cann't get anything on lcd from 16f88?
i need source code for any program that comunicate with pic trough com port of pc.


- 2nd May 2005, 01:10