View Full Version : I wish to create an article for the WIKI

- 5th January 2011, 01:57
1. Moderated submission
If you have created or wish to create an article for the WIKI, or if you have a project that you would like to publish. In the first instance, you may contact a moderator or administrator via the Forum Requests area. One of the moderators will work with you to advise and help you use the system. Your article will be checked by a moderator, before it is published on the web site.

I would like to publish an article on FineLineIDE.
How do I go about this?


- 5th January 2011, 03:33
Hi Norm,

Here is a little more info about making a Wiki. http://www.picbasic.co.uk/forum/content.php?r=99-How-to-create-and-publish-an-article

I believe you can go ahead and create an article. You will have to chose one of the existing headings, and we can always move it later. We don't have a code editors heading yet. So maybe you could start at http://www.picbasic.co.uk/forum/content.php?r=60 and add it there?

Let one of us know when you are done, and we will be glad to look over it and make it live.

Great job on FineLineIDE, by the way!!!


- 5th January 2011, 04:12
Wiki post ready for approval.
