View Full Version : help on OWIN and OWOUT fucntion

- 9th September 2010, 10:21
I have to make communication with 1 wire, using DS2404 protocol and speed, to communicate with DS2781 fuel gauge IC, communication speed around 16Khz, I use to communicate before using pauseus to do the function, I knew that OWIn and OWOUT could do the transmission protocol, but not much information available , about setting speed, initializing configuration,
I have to use PIC16F690, 8mHz internal oscillator,
could any one help ? thanks

- 9th September 2010, 20:52
I have not used a one wire device but I will take a shot.

I think the speed is something you do not worry about, it is part of the OWOUT command.
From the data sheet.

The protocol for accessing the DS2781 through the 1-Wire port is as follows:
􀂃 Initialization
􀂃 Net Address Command
􀂃 Function Command
􀂃 Transaction/Data
This makes me think Mode 0 would be used.

Does that sound correct to anyone?

- 9th September 2010, 23:23

i have tested the function today, and i have checked the timing on the scope, in fact the timg was good, I did set 1 instead of 0 to send a rest first.
I think it woudl work, I have communicate with the slave, I will try it later on.
if you have any information about the initialisation, or more details how OWIN or OWOUT work, I woudl appriciate it,
thanks Mackrackit

- 10th September 2010, 11:04
I posted all I know :eek:
Like I said, never used it before...

Hook it up and try it out, post the results. Maybe you will get lucky?