View Full Version : String types and functions AND Functions with arguments

- 15th May 2010, 02:12
String types and functions:

I realize that string usage in the PIC arena is somewhat less demanding that the usage in compilers designed for PCs. The fact remains, that strings are still needed in the PIC environment. I have years of experience in PC compilers and find that the absence of string types and functions to be quite annoying.

I can go merrily along writing code to take actions, solve problems etc., until I need a string of any size. At that point productivity stops while I either figure out a way to do what I need or find an example on the web that shows how to do it. String types and functions are universally available in any other compiler. Basic is supposed to make things easy and Pic Basic Pro would be much better with those types and functions.

Functions with arguments:
Once again, I find the absence of functions with arguments to be a stumbling block. Like the string problem, there are certainly ways to get around this problem, but a user should not need to find a way to do that. Again, functions with arguments are universally available in any other compiler and they should be available in Pic Basic Pro too.

I have seen some replies to wish list items that look more like attempts to minimize the need for a feature rather than an attempt to find ways to implement them. Lot of folks try to justify alternative ways of doing things. To me, that seems not to address the questions head on.

I hope most will agree that these two features are universal almost everywhere else and Pic Basic Pro would be better if it had them.


- 4th May 2011, 13:22
Concur... Strings are a real "must". As displays become larger, cheaper, and easier to use the need to manipulate strings grows as well. Current tools are good enough for 2x8, but...

- 4th May 2011, 16:45
I am not aware of any other compiler for PIC's that does not support string type (and string handling) as well as functions with arguments.

- 1st January 2015, 09:00
Even if all the chip properties are compatible, I'm guessing there is a label inside the file as well. I opened it in Notepad out of curiosity and it's garbled; need a HEX editor or something like that.