View Full Version : LDR to 16F877A

- 17th April 2009, 10:02
Anybody can provide me a sch how to connect LDR to the analog input of 16F877a. What is the suitable max resistance do I need for the LDR?

- 28th April 2009, 23:46
The circuit really depends on the type of ldr and the light conditions. More details please.

- 29th April 2009, 07:33
Thnks misterg for responding.

The LDR is for my robot project. http://letsmakerobots.com/node/6408

I need the LDR as a light sensor but not sure how to conect to PIC and either to use the analog input or use the comparator on the PIC. I am not really understand how comparator works. still in learning stage.

Hope you or somebody in this forum can give some guide.


- 29th April 2009, 16:18
Here's a link to using CDS cells with PBP. http://www.rentron.com/Micro-Bot/CDS.htm

- 2nd May 2009, 06:06
Thanks Bruce.
Theres a lot of info there.Good for beginners like me.