View Full Version : MAX232, Bootloader, Microchipc test prints garbage

- 10th January 2005, 22:06
Hi there,
I'm trying to setup my p16f876 w/ a MAX232CPE and then use microchipc's bootloader ( http://www.microchipc.com ). I have wired the MAX232/876 with 6 different schematics but it still prints garbage with a simple test file on hyperterm or other terminal program - I'm pretty sure the wiring is ok.
I tried skipping the [failed] test anyway and programming the bootloader with my programmer. The bootloader loads OK but the bootloader program (through the max232) still hangs while seeking the bootloader, indicating a serial problem.

20Mhz crystal
Microcode Studio and Hyperterm
I've tried all baud rates and crystal speeds allowed in the test files and on the terminal programs.

Is anybody using Microchipc's bootloader / test program successfully?

- 26th January 2005, 01:31
I have had the same trouble with this Loader.

- 26th January 2005, 09:14
I assume you are using Microcode Studio Lite. Why not upgrade to the bought version. You will then be able to use it's built in bootloader which works flawlessly.

- 26th January 2005, 13:41
I ordered it after another hour of futzing around with a different freeware bootloader. You get what you pay for.

MCS+ and it's bootloader worked fine with the same wiring. I made it a point to keep the same wiring and It has been great.
You get what's promised and what you pay for with MCS+!