View Full Version : USB devices

- 2nd November 2008, 10:04
hi all
sory for my english
i want to make usb keyboard and then i make it (18f4550 or 18f2550). But this device is only one direction(except capslock and scrollock etc) .
So, my device must have two direction. like this, i am using VB.NET 2005 and write Windows application. This program will send code( “T” Key etc) in my keyboard, afterward my keyboard will process this key and than send “keyboard key” in windows (not my program).
i thing that i use combined Usb devices. but i am not find a desc files i have only keydesc,mouse and MassStroge desc files.
PIC Lang: Proton Plus
Win Lang: Vb.net 2005 or 2008
OS :Windows XP sp 3
Hid Tool : easyHid
I need someone to help me.

- 2nd November 2008, 10:23
PIC Lang: Proton Plus

You are on the wrong forum... you need to go here...
