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  1. Scrolling LED Badge Hack
  2. New software filter for adc reading
  3. OLED 128X96 cheap china lcd
  4. Set configuration bits
  5. Problem with clock
  6. RGB LED controller that change color in sequence,did anyone have sample program?
  7. Looking for schematic from rentron.com/PicBasic/LM34.htm
  8. Hobby servo tester
  9. Light Activated Chicken Coop Door
  10. Pic Microcontroller Infrared Receiver .
  11. PIC - receive data while pulsing pin from low to high and from high to low
  12. Stacker Arcade Game 8*8 LED Matrix
  13. Spi flash chip example - 8mb flash
  14. Paralel switches with a Rotary encoder
  15. Single Button Menus and 4 Line LCDs
  16. NeoPixel (WS2812B) Demo
  17. Charlie-plexing
  18. 16f883 sleeping mode
  19. 500 Year Calendar for DT Elapsed Timer
  20. Dynamic NeoPixel Demo
  21. dht22 using bit field array and ext references
  22. 128x64 GLCD ST7920 Example code
  23. DHT11 humidity sensor
  24. 1ms Elapsed Timer Demo with DT's Instant Interrupts
  25. 4 x 4 Keypad on Port B (18F4550 with Lab X1)
  26. 50mS counter on Timer0 (18F4550 on Lab X1)
  27. flash2ram
  28. DHT Sensor Library
  29. Spi flash example - 4kb/32kb/64kb erase support / winbond 25q series
  30. 240 Neopixels w/PIC 16F1825 and PBP
  31. SSD1306 Include example
  32. I2C Ping program
  33. DHT22 interface problem
  34. Nokia 3310 Custom size characters
  35. GMT to Local Time Routine
  36. Setting RTC by Serial input
  37. PS2 Mouse Interpreter
  38. I2C EEPROM content flasher/eraser thru PIC
  39. ws2812 - pic12f1822
  40. Manipulating ADC values....
  41. Multi-Button CSM with Pic16LF722A
  42. Infrared Remote Receiver
  43. KS0108 glcd another look
  44. How to start programming in pic
  45. Nixie Counter to Clock Modification with PBP
  46. Code for SHT21
  47. help to test a I2C LCD
  48. NCO Calculator
  49. DT_INTS for K42
  50. Customizing the DT_INTS-XX.bas Instant Interrupt
  51. ADC Calculator
  52. Circumference of circle to many decimal places
  53. Rotary Encoder on 20x4 LCD with pushbutton digit select and other features
  54. How to send string of 32 bits using SPI - 16F1939 - PicBasic Pro
  55. Nokia lcd include , small footprint to suit pic16's
  56. Help PBP code?
  57. TM1637 - display module include example
  58. PIC18F67K40 DT_INTS that really work.
  59. NRF24L01+ CODE Example for 1 to 1 data communication using same code on 2 PICs.
  60. Winstar WS0010 OLED Display Used in SPI Mode
  61. PID Filter Coefficient
  62. DHT11 Humidity & temperature sensor with SLEEP for 16F690
  63. LCD serial terminal
  64. Minsky algorithm
  65. Assembly Interrupts for PIC 18F27K42
  66. TM1638 LED Display Driver/Controller
  67. TM1638 LED Display Driver/Controller - Part II
  68. max7219 4x 8x8 panels spi
  69. divide a 10 Mhz signal by 1000 ...
  70. Alarm Clock code and scematic
  71. Driving SK6812 LEDs
  72. tm1638 8 button 8 digit display
  73. Newhaven NHD-0420CW OLED Display (US2066 Controller)
  74. HW-179 8-Digit 7-Segment LED Display (MAX7219 Driver)
  75. HW-179 8-Digit 7-Segment LED Display (Cascaded MAX7219s)
  76. Vishay 2x16 OLED Display (aka Winstar WEO001602B)
  77. another state machine example
  78. PIC self reprogramming
  79. PIC18FxxQ43 Version of DT_INTS
  80. DT_Ints with PIC18F45K80 problem
  81. Fram temperature logger
  82. Fast Fourier Transform
  83. ws2812 led library for pic 12f1840
  84. I2C code to write the DAC MCP4725